Why do we use SIEMENS?

Among all the available technologies and brands, why use Siemens?

Well, in few words: Trust.

Yes, we know maybe is not fair with Allen Bradley, Danfoss or other related products. But when it comes to compatibility we always choose Siemens. Mainly because of the friendly interface to use structured text. Which is not so common in PLC programming. However, you can see more code at once when programming. Also debugging is easier since the structure of the code is very similar to C++.

And Allen-Bradley?

Not so friendly but very capable we must say. Their PLCs also support STL, but is like programming in plain text, literally.

Of course we can develop full projects with Allen-Bradley equipment. But when we can choose, we choose Siemens. Particularly the motor drives are awesome, not just functional. And we have tested it with embedded systems and works great.

It seems like Siemens is our favorite, until now. But there is a little detail in both brands mentioned above: Servo motor size.

When we need a very small form factor for servomotors our choice is Mitsubishi. Why? Because they are the best in terms of design. And since they have Profinet compatibility, they work very nice with Siemens Controls.

Now, let’s go further: Development.

Development of new solutions is always a challenge. Most of the time, the first problem is compatibility.

Linux system plus Siemens control can be a not so friendly combo. But is totally possible. It takes time to write the code for both sides to work as one single system but the result is always great. Siemens provides all the required tools to do such developments even when you don’t want to use accessories of the same brand. For example, in case of wireless communications. Have you ever hear or read about a PLC using or interacting with a Zigbee or LoRa network? …  Exactly.

So, as you can imagine we have all the background required to develop very complex solutions, which at the end seems very easy to use or develop. That’s our work. As an example you can see here an upgraded machine with Siemens technology. It’s a Crush tester, a very old one.

All ideas are welcome. Please feel free to contact us, and tell us how we can help you.

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